The Future of AI in Manufacturing Industries
The Future of AI in Manufacturing Industries

The AI development in China and elsewhere will have ramifications in transforming manufacturers not just in China but in Asia and the rest of the world. There are opportunities and challenges for businesses as they embrace digital transformation. How China, Asia and the rest of the world can work together to achieve a win-win situation?

China’s policy on AI is earmarked in the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) where the State Council issued a plan that set benchmarks for China’s AI sector - with the value of core AI industries predicted to exceed 1 trillion yuan (US$141 billion) and make the country the global leader in AI innovation by 2030.

As an example, Tianjin is selected as one of the core cities to advance its AI technology. In 2018, Tianjin set up a 100 billion yuan fund to invest in AI technologies and it increased to 30 billion yuan fund to help build the city into an advanced manufacturing research and development hub.

人工智能在中國及世界各國迅速發展, 將促進各個經濟體的製造業轉型升級和高品質發展的重要支撐。在數位化轉型的過程中,除了為企業帶來機遇的同時,也面臨著困難和挑戰。國際間如果如何攜手應對所面臨的各種挑戰,實現互利共贏, 共同發展。

在十四五(2021-2025)發展規劃綱要中,人工智能是重點發展的領域,相關政策為智能科技產業發展帶來重大機遇。預計到2030年,中國人工智能產業規模超過人民幣1萬億元 (1410 億美元) ,並在該領域成為全球領導者。


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